Inspiring Holistic Health

Learn about our passionate mission to promote self-awareness, mental wellbeing, and happiness for all through innovative healthcare solutions and public engagement.

About Us

Well Be ioT is a visionary organisation led by our founder, a certified healthcare consultant, dedicated to educating and advocating for holistic health, improved patient care, and mental wellbeing.

With a background as a professional healthcare consultant and certifications in mental health and counselling, our founder provides public speaking services which educate audiences on the scientific connections between personal well-being, physical health, and mental health. Well Be iOT can provide you or your organisation insights on how to effectively manage and cope with mental health challenges.

Well Be ioT is passionate about advocating for a smarter healthcare system that improves patient services. Through public speaking and well-being promotion efforts, we hope to raise funds for mental health innovation systems and create the first Mental Health Ward powered by Smart Hospital tech. These innovations will enhance patient services and increase work efficiency for medical staff.

Our aim is to achieve as our slogan state:

“Live Present, Stay Happy”

Embracing Sustainable Development Goals

Well Be ioT’s work is inspired by the United Nations’ Paris Agreement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Their work aligns closely with the first three goals, which aim to eradicate poverty, achieve zero hunger, and promote good health and well-being for all.

Through their innovative approach and commitment to the SDGs, Well Be ioT is actively working towards a more sustainable and equitable future by leveraging the power of IoT and cutting-edge technologies in healthcare.

The state of Mental Health

1 in
people in the UK are taking anti-depression pills
Depression is 8.68% in Portugal
1 in
in the world are diagnosed with a Mental Health issue
Anxiety is 6.85% Greece
Our Vision

Promoting Holistic Wellbeing

Our mission is to enhance personal and community wellbeing through education, advocacy, and innovation in healthcare solutions, focusing on mental health and holistic wellness.

Crop ethnic barefooted woman performing Head to Knee I yoga asana
Empowering People

Enhancing Healthcare Systems

Our goal is to integrate smart healthcare technologies to improve patient services, support medical staff efficiency, and innovate mental health services, prioritising patient care and holistic wellness.

Start Your Journey with Well Be ioT


Call: +44(0)7758 954 293

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