Smart Hospital POC

Our objective is to develop a Proof of Concept (POC) that demonstrates how innovative technologies like 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) can enhance the efficiency of medical staff and improve patient services within the mental health ward of a smart health hospital.

Primary Goals

1) Elevate the quality of patient care and service levels through the strategic implementation of advanced technologies.

2) Increase the work efficiency of medical staff and service personnel by streamlining processes and providing them with cutting-edge tools enabled by 5G and IoT solutions.

Smart Mental Health Funding Target:

Funding Target:
Current Funding Status:
Percentage of Target:
5G IoT Smart Hospital Market Analysis 

Global IoT Smart Healthcare market projected in USD 181 billionsin 2022and with GAGR 18%, reaching USD 953.2 billions by 2032.  The market is slated to document a Y-O-Y growth rate of 20.7% from 2021-2022, increasing from the previously registered value of USD 150.3 Billions. 

“The Internet of Things is a major component in the digital transformation of the healthcare business, and numerous stakeholders are ramping up their efforts in the arena, thus development in IoT healthcare applications is expected it to increase”.


Remote Monitoring
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Electrical Fence (make sure the patient in safe zone)
Internet of Things (IoT)
Cybersecurity (Cloud storage with potential onside data storage)

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